Secondary Modules
Secondary Modules
Rep. of Ireland & N. Ireland / UK Editions

Choose from a range of Colourful & Varied Modules
Designed to Enhance the Experience of Your Customised Student Diary

 Linking to First Year Module
First Year Module
Ref - FYM
 Linking to Standard Module
Standard Module
Ref -CM1
 Linking to Well Being Module
Wellbeing Module
Ref - CM2
 Linking to Towards Exam Success Module
Towards Exam Success
Ref - CM3
 Linking to Literacy Module
Literacy Module
Ref - LM1
 Linking to Transition Year Module
Transition Year Module
Ref - TY
 Linking to Assessment Test Result Tracker
Assessment Test Result Tracker
Ref - ATR
 Linking to Standard Module NI - UK
Standard N.I & U.K. Module
Ref - CM1-UK
 Linking to Sixth Form Module
Sixth Form Module
Ref - 6th Form
 Linking to iMatter Module N.Ireland
iMatter Module
Ref - iMatter
 Linking to Irish Module As Gaeilge
Standard Irish Module (As Gaeilge)
Ref - STD Irish Mod
 Linking to Wellbeing Module as Gaeilge
Wellbeing Irish Module (as Gaeilge)
Ref - CM2 Gaeilge
 Linking to Ceist Module
Ceist Module
Ref - Ceist
 Linking to Le Cheile Module
Le Cheile Module
Ref - Le Cheile
 Linking to Edmund Rice Module
Edmund Rice Module
Ref - Edmund Rice