Primary Date Page Layouts
Primary Page Layouts

Date Pages include lots of Colourful, Interesting &
Educational Graphics - with Text, designed for Primary Students.

Advantages of Fully Dated Diaries:

  • Update important school rules pages every year
  • Include your School Calendar
  • Excellent Learning Tool
  • It's a 'proper' Diary

Advantage of Un-Dated Diaries:

  • If you are a smaller school you can buy 2 or 3 years supply at a time - this will reduce unit cost
  • and....Students fill in the dates which is a good weekly discipline

 Linking to 5 Day Fully Dated
5 Day Fully Dated
Ref - PR3
 Linking to 5 Day Undated
5 Day Un-Dated
Ref - PRU5
 Linking to 4 Day UnDated
4 Day Un-Dated
Ref - PRU4
 Linking to 4 Day UnDated - as Gaeilge
4 Day Un-Dated (as Gaeilge)
Ref - GU4